Sunday, March 29, 2009

To meat or not to meat

Yeah I know lame title, but who is really looking at this anyway?
So, I have been contemplating vegetarianism for some time now and even tried it once, but unfortunately I only lasted a week; I underestimated the power of protein and got a case of the shakes and was then force fed some turkey. Yet despite my failed efforts I would like to give it another try, and I have no problem staying away from pork. I believe this has a lot to do with the segment I saw on TV, about artificially inseminating pigs; during the process the camera man decided to zoom in on the female pig's privates, and I discovered that they look eerily similar to human lady bits (ew!). Needless to say, after witnessing this I could no longer eat pork with out thinking of that dumb camera man's closeup.
Anywho, I hope to eventually be turned off from eating other animals as well, but it's just soooooooo hard, I mean my family is Italian, they put meat in everything.
well, that's all I really have to say about that; my mom made hamburgers and I am going to go eat one.

1 comment:

  1. haha...pig privates. Completely understandable though.
